About CK
CK has been teaching English since his university studies.
After obtaining his Bachelor degree from CUHK, he has been teaching full-time. He acquired a PG Certificate in Translation from HKU SPACE. In Dec. 2022, he will also start pursuing a PG Diploma in Laws at University of London, which will eventually enable him to acquire an LLM.
Academic Qualifications:
PG Cert. Translation (HKU SPACE)
BSSc. (Hons, CUHK)
LPAT (Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers, Paper 1-3 Attempted and Attained);
HKDSE English 5**; IELTS 8.0/9.0; HKCEE 7A2B
CK具有10年全職教學經驗,擁有香港中文大學 社會科學學士、香港大學持續進修學院 翻譯深造證書,並將於2022年12月於倫敦大學 (University of London)修讀PG Dip. Laws (法律深造文憑),完成後將繼續進修以獲得法律碩士 (LLM)
-2012-2022 於石硤尾/深水埗/旺角經營自設教學點CK Education,堅持1-4人小班教學,累積教授超過300名學生 (只計算持續補習最少1學年學生)
-2015-2019 統籌多間中學到校課程,包括: 閱讀技巧班,暑期數學班,升中四學習技巧班
-香港大學 專業進修學院 翻譯深造證書 (PG Cert. Translation)
-香港中文大學 社會科學學士 (BSSc., Hons, CUHK)
-LPAT (Paper 1-3 Attempted and Attained)
-HKDSE 英文5**; IELTS 8.0/9.0; 香港中學會考7A2B